Reflex schematic

Human consists of a physical and emotional body, with a mind and spirit.

Foot reflexology takes into account all aspects of the client's being: not only body, but also emotion, mind, and spirit. Reflexology has the ability to make everybody feel better by simply removing stress from whole body and generating a sense of deep relaxation. The whole body is mapped on the feet, the body parts are all interrelated, it is very important to caring for your feet which affect the whole being.

The Right Sole

The right sole has reflex areas which correspond to the body's right hand side.

The Left Sole

The left sole has reflex areas which correspond to the body's left hand side.


The natural curve of the inside of each foot represents the spine. The big toe corresponds to neck, the area from shoulder and waist is found on the ball of the foot.


The outer edge of foot corresponds to the outer parts of body----limbs, joints, and ligaments.